Social Media Change

              Social media has changed how we look at communication is many different ways. In obvious ways it has enabled people to communicate with individuals they never would have otherwise, and stay in touch with people from all around the world. However social media has also changed the way people communicate with each other and how we interact not only online but also within face to face interactions. Many of these changes have both positive and negative effects on society as a whole. In Audrey Willis’ article “6 ways social media has changed the way we communicate” some of positive and negative effects of social media being to take shape.
                Willis looks into changes such as the sense of urgency, inside perspective of foreign places, the increase of millennial new consumption, the ability to broadcast live. There are very clear benefits and many major downfalls embedded in each of these changes. The sense of urgency is a massive change that can be detected through the increase of social media. It’s not uncommon to hear a young teenager fret over why a response hasn’t been sent to the text delivery a minute ago. Individuals have become so accustom in instantaneous results they have lost the ability to wait. If they want to look up a recipe they hop of Pinterest and there it is, if the need directions they type an address into maps and instantaneously they have directions. Emma Taubenfeld delves into this issue in her article “The Culture of Impatience and Instant Gratification.” Taubenfeld explains how the rise of technology and instant gratification provided to individuals all around the world through social media has enabled our ability to wait.  This sense of urgency is resulting in a society that is losing the art of patience.
                While a society with social media may be losing its ability to wait is has developed a stronger connection and different perspective and foreign places, people, and cultures. Due to the instant access to information provided by social media, society is able to connect with those people who may be different and learn about those people and what makes them different, or in some way the same. Social media provides society the opportunity to meet people from different states, countries or continents. Social media gives people the opportunity to not only read stories about different places but actually interact with them. One hopes that this ability to connect with produce a more tolerant and loving society where differences are not only accepted but celebrated.
                There are many ways social media is changing the way we communicate. While there are many negative affects there are also so many incredible opportunities that are only available because of social media. Like all things in life if used properly social media has the ability to create so much good in the world. Individuals must make the constant effort to use social media to make the world a better place instead of a worse one.  


  1. Great job Molly. I think you made excellent points about the positive and negative sides of social media

  2. Great job. Excellent points on social media.


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