Reflection on Social Media Case 5: Paypal Deleted Comments

I found this case study to be very interesting. It makes sense why a business like Paypal would deem it necessary to delete negative comments. It seems like the logical thing to do. It doesn't seem to be that far fetched that if negativity about your company is being shared the answer is to simply get rid of it. However it is no surprise to me that the public received this with outrage. Social media has enacted in many individuals today the sense that we have a complete freedom and right to express our thoughts and ideas without any opposition. Facebook is a breeding ground to the sharing of opinions. This article explains just how easy social media has made sharing opinions and complaints. Due to this new found belief the idea that a company could swoop in and delete a comment without any explanation or response would be infuriating for many individuals.
I work at a local boutique called ROOLEE. The majority of our marketing is done through social media and from time to time we'll get a negative comment or post regarding our company. While it seems like the best solution to simply delete the comment our owners know the negative effects this can have. Every negative post we receive our marketing team responds to that comment. We try and find a way to solve the problem the customer may have had or simply apologize for their negative experience. While this may not change the customers mind on a whole it displays our company as a customer based company. It shows that we're aware of the comments and that we aren't trying to hid them nor ignore negativity. This example of transparency is what I believe all companies need to enact in their own social media presence. This article goes into just how important transparency is for companies on social media. If companies want to truly do whats best for their online image they cannot resort to deleting comments, they must put in the effort to respond and try to make things right.


  1. Molly, great analysis! I like the way you brought in a real life example by your experience with Roolee. I also like how you mentioned that you try to find any way possible to make the customer happier, but the company apologizes if they are unable to solve anything. I think that shows that Roolee has a genuine interest for their customers by letting them express how they feel, but also trying their best to solve the problem or at least apologize.

  2. I am glad your post covers the material that we talked about and stuff.


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