Reflection on Social Media Case 10: Miracle Mattress Twin Tower Sale

I found this case study shocking! I can't even comprehend how someone could have thought this was a good idea. In no world is it acceptable to take advantage of something as horrible as the events of 9/11 in order to make a profit! Not only that but the video itself was a mockery of the events. When the two men in the back fell into the mattress towers, what a complete lack of class!
While I one hundred percent do not agree with the actions the Miracle Mattress took I don't think they're alone in taking horrible situations and trying to turn them around in order to profit a company. Some do it in a classy way and others do not but it could be a hard line to distinguish. This article and this article discuss different companies that did the same thing as Miracle Mattress in one way or another. My favorite was when Kenneth Cole twitted that all the uproar going on in Egypt during the Syrian Crisis was really just everyone freaking out about his new spring line. Insert palm to the face emoji! Another baffling story these article brought up was hours after 9/11 chucks of the Twin Towers were being sold of eBay! If anything that displays just how profit centered our society is! It blows my mind how silly and self centered people can be.
However the silver lining of this case study is that these companies didn't get away with it! The American people wouldn't put up with the insensitivity of companies in the light of tragic events! I view this as a complete win! While its horrible to see how close minded companies can be the fact that the American people still hold of to at least a little class is refreshing and uplifting! I hope we can move towards a better more understanding and thoughtful people than in a less desirable way!


  1. I'm happy that the company didn't get away with it as well! Great work Molly!

  2. I do agree with you Molly that there is a hard line to distinguish with what is classy and not when it comes to advertising an event as such. I did not know Ebay was selling part of the Twin Towers to society. Awesome blog post!

  3. I agree with you Molly! The company deserved what they got!


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